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If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book your appointment today

Our Vision and Philosophy


Our Vision - Australian Headache and Migraine ClinicsOur vision is to be the leading health care provider in the field of treating headaches and migraines. It is our goal to deliver results and provide you a life free of headaches and migraines without the endless need of medication.

Our commitment is to deliver the highest quality of care and expert advice to all our patients by our expert clinicians here at the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic™.

We endeavor in providing exceptional services with an unprecedented experience from the moment you step into our reception room to greet our friendly receptionist, to the time you are escorted to your individual treatment room for your 1on 1 consultation on time every time, to then understanding your condition through our unique assessment and having a tailored ‘Prevent Headaches4Life‘ rehabilitation plan to achieve your specific goals, to the moment you step outside the reception room satisfied with the exceptional care and expertise given to you while saying goodbye to our friendly receptionist.

The Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic™ philosophy of care is governed by our clinicalapproach, Prevent Headaches4Life, which is our unique approach in achieving sustainable andlong lasting results. Our focus is to achieve your goals and to go one step beyond with thefocus of long-term results and the prevention of future flare-ups for optimal physical healthand well-being. This will entail The Assessment, The Treatment and The Results pathwayplan to achieve a potential life free of headaches and migraines.

The treatment utilised encompasses ground-breaking discoveries by Dean Watson, founder and director of the Watson Headache® Institute. This approach endeavours you to enjoy your busy lifestyle, work, sport and holiday without the countless fear of re-aggravating your headache and migraine condition.

That is why our clinicians are by your side every step of the way, guiding you, treating you through our holistic approach backed by our Prevent Headaches4Life pathway, and giving you all the advice you need to ensure your optimal recovery and to achieve your desired goals.

A lifetime trust of clients

A life time of trust - Australian Headache and Migraine Clinics - image courtesy of APSOur professionalism and expertise of care builds a sincere rapport and a strongrelationship of trust for a lifetime with our clients. Every client that comes in knows theycan trust and depend on us for all their needs as our practitioners have strong ethicalconducts and morals to uphold their status and profession. Their expert clinical skillsdealing with headaches and migraine conditions, will let you know exactly the severity ofyour condition and give you the best advice and judgement on how long it may take foryour symptoms to resolve and achieve stage 3 rehabilitation which is the safe zone phase so you can continue your regular activities. Trust is a big issue, and we make sure wedeliver trust to you.

Long term results

Our practitioners at Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic™ are committed in sustainablelong-term results. We are committed in performing a more thorough assessment whichoften takes longer in order to get a better understanding of your entire body. This allows your practitioner to gain a clearer picture of your pathology and concerns. With these accurate assessments your practitioner will have a more detailed approach when treating you, as well as having a clear and precise management plan to achieve long-term sustainable results. Our focus is not only about resolving your issues today, but to go one step further and prepare you for tomorrow and to go beyond into the future to prevent your condition from flaring up again.

Click on the following links to learn more about The Brisbane Headache and Migraine

To find out more about what we do contact us on 1800HEADACHE (toll free)

Common Headaches Treated

The Assessment

Phase 1

Accurately diagnose your condition for effective treatment

The Treatment

Phase 2

Experience the latest treatment methods that are evidence-based

The Results

Phase 3

A life free from migraines or headaches is now proven possible

The Difference

Phase 4

A medication-free solution that treats the cause not the symptons

Call for relief  1800 HEADACHE

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