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I Suffer From Vertigo BPPV

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment Brisbane

Amongst patients who suffer from peripheral vertigo attacks or vestibular migraines, 17-42% of them will be diagnosed with Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV), as will between 11-64/100,000 people in Brisbane each year. BPPV is easily diagnosed after a history of your symptoms is collected and is confirmed with physical tests, it will rarely require any further investigation.

BPPV is a condition affecting the otolith organs inside your inner ear. These otolith organs essentially control balance – they detect the gravitational and acceleration forces in our head during movement so that we can adjust and stay upright. BPPV occurs when these organs become impaired – the vestibular balance system will detect movements that are normally fine, and react by causing symptoms of vertigo. This lower threshold for quite severe symptoms of vertigo can be quite debilitating for BPPV sufferers.

Our modern BPPV treatment, world-leading techniques are safe, gentle, medication-free and non-invasive! Using our methods of vertigo physiotherapy/ vestibular physio, vestibular rehabilitation therapy, and much more we expect to see positive results within the first 6 sessions, as we do with 85-90% of our patients. Book a treatment with our Vertigo experts today for the most-effective BPPV treatment Brisbane has to offer!

Understanding Your Symptoms

What are the symptoms of Vertigo BPPV?

Amongst patients who present with mild to severe vertigo symptoms, 17-42% of them will be diagnosed with BPPV, as will between 11-64/100,000 people in Brisbane each year. BPPV is easily diagnosed after a history of your symptoms and is confirmed with physical tests, it will rarely require any further investigation. 

The main BPPV symptoms that our patients experience are:

Nystagmus (rapid, unidirectional involuntary eye movements, unnoticed by the patient)

BPPV can be easily diagnosed with physical tests and medical history taken by your health professional. Scans are most often not required. These physical tests will assess the structures in your inner ear balance system, which are known to be the cause of BPPV.

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Understanding Your Headache

What causes Vertigo BPPV?

Common Causes

Some known common causes of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) include head injury, problems after ear surgery, degeneration of the vestibular system brought on by ageing and general issues within the inner ear, such as an inner ear disorder or inner ear disease (such as vestibular neuritis). These issues can dislodge calcium carbonate crystals, leading to vertigo episodes. BPPV can occur in different forms depending on the affected semicircular canal: anterior canal BPPV is triggered by tipping the head forward, while posterior canal BPPV is provoked by movements that change head position like rolling over in bed with your head turned to the side of the affected ear. Understanding what triggers vertigo attacks, their causes and specific types is crucial for accurate diagnosis and management of BPPV.

BPPV Theory

There are two main theories about the cause of BPPV. These theories both speak about abnormal detections triggering abnormal sensations of vertigo, regarding changes in the endo-lymph that flows in either the horizontal, anterior, or posterior semicircular canal of the otolith organs. The two theories are as follows:

The Cupulolithiasis Model

Suggests that loose matter in the endolymph becomes stuck in the cupula, or the sensory organs that are located in the otolith. 

The Canalithiasis Model

Suggests that the cupulas detect free-flowing particles in the endolymph.

There are two physical tests that can be used to gather an accurate BPPV diagnosis. The Dix-Hallpike Test can be used to detect dysfunction in the affected canal of the otolith, while the supine roll test can be used to assess the horizontal canal. In positive tests; the patient will experience their symptoms of vertigo (dizziness occurs), and the therapist will observe for signs of nystagmus, or rapid beating of the pupils. In the rare case that the superior semicircular canal is affected, the Dix -Hallpike test would be positive and the therapist will observe a horizontal, vertical, or rotary nystagmus.

About The Assessment Stage

What To Expect During The Assessment

1. Comprehensive and in-depth examination

We instigate an in-depth assessment to identify all possible related factors that could be causing your headaches or migraines. The upper cervical spine, in particular, is thoroughly examined to identify possible issues.

2. Ligamental stability and vertebral arterial tests

We undertake careful examination of neck ligaments and vertebral arteries, ensuring only the highest standards of patient safety and comfort.

3. Temporarily reproduce your headache and migraine symptoms

As a part of the treatment process, we apply gentle and selective stress to the upper cervical spine in order to reproduce headache symptoms, which subside after 20-30 seconds. This helps to identify and treat the cause of your headaches.

More about treating Vertigo BPPV

Living with Vertigo BPPV

A lot of the patients that we see will experience all of the symptoms of BPPV, but the results of their physical tests are unclear. In some cases benign positional vertigo treatment isn’t as effective as expected. In these cases, it is likely that increased sensitivity in their brainstem is the true cause of their symptoms. In cases of an overly sensitised brainstem, the vestibular nerve will send ‘normal’ information to this hypersensitive brainstem that is interpreted as a threat, causing the patient to experience vertigo.

Chronic Tension Type Headache

Chronic tension type headache is classified as headache pain being bilaterally on both sides of the head, where pain is usually symmetrical and equal from left to right. Compared to migraines, chronic tension type headache causes mild to moderate pain, and feels more of a tightening and pressing sensation rather than a pulsating pain.

Hemicrania Continua

Hemicrania continua is usually a more severe headache that typically affects one side of the head. The headache does not shift from side to side, and is usually locked on one side unilaterally. This headache is present all the time with no pain free periods. Pain is usually a moderate pain in nature, however tends to have severe spikes of pain throughout the day.

People who suffer from this headache may also experience autonomic features such as a watery eye, swollen or droopy eye-lid, redness in the eye, block or runny nose. Migraine like symptoms can also occur such as sensitive to light, sound or smell, nausea and vomiting.

I’ve tried it all, is there anything else that can help my BPPV?

Treatment for BPPV

The gold-standard treatment for the most common type of BPPV, posterior canal, is the Epley Manoeuvre. This physical examination technique places the patient’s head in a series of different positions, placing shifting matter and endolymph through the semicircular canals. This manoeuvre is commonly taught to patients to be performed regularly at home.

The patients that we see at Brisbane Headache & Migraine Clinic have often had mixed results with the Epley Manoeuvre, have tried various motion sickness medications and some have even tried surgical intervention. They sometimes have mild results, but it is often short-lived. This is because they often haven’t been thoroughly assessed to determine if a sensitised brainstem is the true cause of their symptoms. 

If we assess you and can determine that, yes, the brainstem and upper cervical spine are the true cause of your vertigo then we can start BPPV treatment right away.

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