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Our Blogs


At the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic we are focussed on giving you the most up-to-date information and research on headaches and migraines. Click on the following links to learn more about headaches and migraines.

The Cause

Headaches Vs. Migraines – What causes them? What is the difference?

In this blog we’ll be delving into the difference between headaches and migraines and what […]

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The Cause

Unveiling the Distinctions Between Vestibular Migraines and Vertigo

In this blog, we will explore a common yet often misunderstood query: What is the […]

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The Cause

Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVS): 5 Considerations when Managing CVS

Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a complex disorder characterised by recurrent episodes of severe vomiting. […]

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The Cause

Empower Yourself: Tracking the 4 Major Characteristics of Headaches and Migraines

Embarking on a journey to understand and manage your headaches or migraines begins with self-awareness. […]

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The Cause

Navigating the Maze of Dizziness: Unravelling Vestibular Migraine

Migraines aren’t just head-pounding affairs; some will also send you into a spin. Dizziness can […]

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The Cause

Migraines and Relationships: 5 Effective Strategies for Harmony and Understanding

Migraines are more than headaches; they’re disruptors of relationships.   These unwelcome guests arrive unannounced, […]

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family - headache

The Cause

Hereditary Nature of Migraine 

My dad gets migraines. Does that mean I will get them as well?  Short answer, […]

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The Cause

Are Migraines a Lifelong Condition?

At the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic, we see people who have had migraines over […]

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The Cause

Can Migraines Cause Death?

Sometimes migraines can be felt so severe, we may justifiably wonder… “This pain is so […]

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