May 1, 2024 | Headache & Migraine Facts, Headache and Migraine Relief, Treatment
What are they? Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) represent a group of headache disorders characterised by severe, unilateral head pain. We have written this blog here at the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic, to give you a little bit of insight into these...
Apr 29, 2024 | Headache & Migraine Facts, Headache and Migraine Relief, Migraine, The Cause, The Disability, Treatment, Vertigo
In this blog we’ll be delving into the difference between headaches and migraines and what can cause them. Research shows that 4.9 million Australians experience migraines and up to 7 million can experience headaches in their lifetime. (Migraine in Australia...
Mar 6, 2024 | Headache & Migraine Facts, Headache and Migraine Relief, Migraine, The Cause, The Disability, Treatment, Vertigo
In this blog, we will explore a common yet often misunderstood query: What is the difference between vestibular migraines and vertigo? Despite their frequent interchangeability, these terms come with their own unique set of characteristics and causes. Vertigo and Its...
Feb 22, 2024 | Headache & Migraine Facts, Headache and Migraine Relief, Migraine, The Cause, The Disability, Treatment, Vertigo
Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a complex disorder characterised by recurrent episodes of severe vomiting. As a result, it is often accompanied by nausea and other symptoms. Although it primarily affects children, CVS can persist into adulthood, causing...
Jan 24, 2024 | Headache & Migraine Facts, Headache and Migraine Relief, Migraine, The Cause, The Disability, Treatment, Vertigo
Embarking on a journey to understand and manage your headaches or migraines begins with self-awareness. By keeping track of specific indicators, you can gain valuable insights into your unique experiences and pave the way towards more effective relief. In this blog...