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12 Quick Facts about Migraines

12 Quick Facts about Migraines

Interesting Facts about Headaches and Migraines 1. Headaches and Migraines are the 3rd most common disease in the world! — They have a global prevalence of around 14.7% which equates to approximately 1 in 7 people. 2. It is more common in females — 85% of chronic...
What Could Be Causing A Sensitive Brainstem?

What Could Be Causing A Sensitive Brainstem?

We understand that the brainstem is sensitive, therefore causing people to suffer from headaches and migraines, and sometimes with added symptoms. But do you know why the brainstem is sensitive?   The Watson Headache treatment approach aims to de-sensitise the...
Can Daith Piercing Help Migraines?

Can Daith Piercing Help Migraines?

Daith piercings have become a popular option in recent years for migraine sufferers. What are daith piercings? As can be seen in the image above, daith piercing involves piercing the ear’s cartilage. For migraine sufferers who find that acupuncture helps with...
Emergency Treatments To Manage My Migraines, Drug-Free

Emergency Treatments To Manage My Migraines, Drug-Free

When the prodromol symptoms come on… migraine sufferers know that their day is about to get rough. Migraine sufferers may go through their migraine attacks in stages. Some may have the “prodromol phase”. These symptoms may be one or more of the...